Michele Gianfelice (Università della Calabria, Italy)

Speaker: Michele Gianfelice (Università della Calabria, Italy)

Title: Stochastic stability of classical Lorenz flow under impulsive type forcing

Abstract: Inspired by the problem of modeling the so called anthropogenic forcing in climatology, e.g. the effects of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we introduce a novel type of random perturbation for the classical Lorenz flow and prove its stochastic stability. The perturbation acts on the system in an impulsive way, hence is not of diffusive type. Namely, given a cross-section M for the unperturbed flow, each time the trajectory of the system crosses M the phase velocity field is changed with a new one sampled at random from a suitable neighborhood of the unperturbed one. The resulting random evolution is therefore described by a piecewise deterministic Markov process. The proof of the stochastic stability for the unperturbed flow is then carried on working either in the framework of the Random Dynamical Systems or in that of semi-Markov processes. Joint work with Sandro Vaienti.

Time and location: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:00:00 UTC - TBA

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