
Master Class in dynamical systems 2025 at KTH Stockholm

The Department of Mathematics at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) announces their third Master Class in Dynamical Systems, which will be held in Stockholm from May 19 to May 23, 2025. Minicourses will be taught by: Giovanni Forni and Anton Zorich, Kathryn Mann, Florian Richter. More details of the program (with link to application form): Funding is available to cover costs for a selection of participants (see the application form on the event page above).

On Geometric Complexity of Julia Sets - VI, August 3-8, 2025

The conference On Geometric Complexity of Julia Sets - VI will be held at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, Będlewo, Poland, on August 3 - 8, 2025. It will address a wide range of topics on Complex Dynamics, many of which related to the question of how complex Julia sets can be. While the organizers hope that most participants and speakers can attend in person, there will be the option to attend virtually.

PhD position in quantum integrability and KAM theory at the University of Groningen

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Groningen is advertising a PhD position in Quantum Integrability and KAM Theory as part of the research project Finding monodromy in perturbation of classical and quantum integrable systems of Nikolay Martynchuk. Deadline for application: 31 March 11:59pm (CET) by means of the application form A detailed description of the project and the application procedure is available at

PhD studentships at Exeter, UK, 2025

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Exeter is advertising several open PhD studentships. A list can be found here. Around others: A PhD studentship “On the geometry of Rauzy fractals and their boundaries” with Tony Samuel as main supervisor and Tanja I. Schindler as second supervisor; A PhD studentship on “Invariant graphs of skew product systems” with Tanja I. Schindle as main supervisor and Peter Ashwin as second supervisor.

Two-year postdoc position in dynamical systems at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa

A two-year postdoc research position in dynamical systems is available at the Centro De Giorgi - Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. PhD students can also apply, provided they obtain their PhD no later than October 1st, 2025. Deadline for application: 15th January 2025 (4PM Italian time). To submit an application, please see the announcement and read the official call. Applicants will need to use the PICA procedure by connecting to the following link: https://pica.

PhD studentship at King's College in ergodic theory for complex systems

King’s College London CNRS has opened a call for a fully-funded PhD studentship on Ergodic Theory for Complex Systems, under the supervision of Matteo Tanzi. The studentship is available to start in June 2025 or the 2025/26 academic year. All info and link to application form: Deadline for application: 31 January 2025.

Postdoc in ergodic theory in Lille

CNRS is offering a postdoc in Ergodic Theory at Université de Lille. The position is for 2 years, with the possibility of renewal for one more year. The expected starting date is 1st September 2025, with flexibility. The gross monthly salary ranges between €3021.50 and €4208.37, depending on the level of experience. PhD students can also apply (and are encouraged to), provided that they obtain their PhD before the starting date.

Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity, Trieste, June 2-13, 2025

This is an announcement for the “Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity” conference to be held at the ICTP, Trieste, on June 2 - June 13, 2025. The conference belongs to the “Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity” series of conferences that have been held every 2-3 years since 2001. The conference will consist of 6 mini courses and plenty of opportunities for informal discussions and work groups, as well as a small number of talks and a poster session.

Assemblea Gruppo UMI 2024

Il prossimo 3 dicembre alle 17:45 si terrà in modalità telematica l’assemblea del gruppo UMI “DinAmicI”. L’assemblea sarà preceduta dal prossimo DAI Seminar e si terrà allo stesso link zoom. Come ogni anno, l’assemblea sarà un’occasione anche per discutere l’organizzazione dei prossimi eventi del gruppo, in particolare il workshop del 2025. Siete tutti invitati a partecipare.

Stability in Hamiltonian dynamics and beyond, Torino, January 9-10, 2025

This is an announcement for the PRIN-project meeting “Stability in Hamiltonian dynamics and beyond - II” to be held in Turin, on January 9-10, 2025. The workshop aims at bringing together experts in Hamiltonian dynamics and at presenting recent results, as well as ongoing projects of the research units of the projects and of recognized experts in the field. The list of confirmed speakers can be found at Registration is free but mandatory by December 8, use the link https://docs.