School on conformal symplectic dynamics and related fields

The School on conformal symplectic dynamics and related fields will take place

8-12 May 2023 at CIRM, Marseille (France)

This school will introduce the study of conformally symplectic dynamical systems defined on symplectic manifolds or, more generally, on conformally symplectic manifolds. This is a young subject with remarkable recent developments which opened several directions of investigation at the crossroad of dynamical systems, symplectic and contact topology, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and, in particular, weak-KAM theory. The framework comprises and mixes conservative and dissipative aspects.

Maxime Zavidovique will give a course on Hamilton-Jacobi equations on contact, symplectic, and conformally symplectic settings.

Marie-Claude Arnaud and Vincent Humilière will give a course on conformally Hamiltonian dynamical systems, which particular emphasis on their attractors.

Simon Allais and Baptiste Chantraine will introduce the notion of conformally symplectic manifold and their dynamics. In particular, by means of several examples, they will illustrate the dissipative character of such dynamics. There will also be some talks on the main theme or on the related subjects.

See the page of the event for further details.