The Brin Prize 2020 awarded to Corinna Ulcigrai!

The ninth Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems has been awarded to our own

Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zurich)

for her fundamental work on the ergodic theory of locally Hamiltonian flows on surfaces, of translation flows on periodic surfaces and wind-tree models, and her seminal work on higher genus generalizations of Markov and Lagrange spectra.

You can find the list of Corinna’s prize papers at or

The award ceremony was planned for 18/04/2020 as part of the 2020 Maryland Spring dynamical systems conference, which has been canceled. It is now planned for  April 10, 2021 (as part of 2021 Maryland conference).

(Brin Prize Committee: Viviane Baladi, Giovanni Forni (Chair), Helmut Hofer, Elon Lindenstrauss, Carlangelo Liverani, Hee Oh, Federico Rodriguez Hertz)