Dynamical Systems School - ICTP, Trieste - July 2016.

The school “Algebraic, Geometric and Probabilistic Aspects of Dynamical Systems and Control Theory” will be held at ICTP Trieste, 4 - 15 July 2016.

Courses: Counting Techniques (S. Filip), Introduction to smooth group actions and rigidity (F. Hertz), Symbolic dynamics for low-dimensional systems with positive entropy (Y. Lima), Dynamics of group actions on homogeneous spaces (A. Mohammadi), Kerov-Vershik method in Pickrell’s classification (Y. Qiu), Brownian motion, evolving geometries and entropy formulas (A. Thalmaier).

Speakers: V. Climenhaga, A. Dymov, R. Grigirchuk, F. Ledrappier, H. Osada, Y. Pesin.

Organizers: A. Agrachev, A. Bufetov, S. Luzzatto, Y. Pesin, A. Tahzibi, V. Timorin.