How to add a new publication

Keeping an up-to-date list of publications on our site is important in terms of our visibility as DinAmicI. Adding a new publication (by you or another member of our community) is rather straightforward, but still here are some instructions.

On your back-end page (that you get to by clicking on “Site Admin” on any of the site’s pages), look for “Publications” in the list on the left. In the pop-up menu, click on “Add New”. A web form will appear.

The title of your publication goes in the first field of the form, under the header “Add a new publication”. After you’ve inserted that, select the type of publication, typically a Journal Article. If you don’t know better, leave the adjacent field, BibTeX Key, blank for the moment. Then proceed to insert the authors, all separated by the word “and”, and the Date of Publishing, in the YYYY-MM-DD format (many journals will tell you the exact date of publication; if you can’t find it approximate it with a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format).

After this, you can go back to the “BibTeX Key” field, and click on the two-arrow icon next to it. This way, the form will produce a key (i.e., a nickname) for your publication, which is mandated by the system.

Add as much information as you can in the “Detailed Information” section. In the “Journal” field, we recommend that you put the full name of the journal, to avoid the chance that two authors use different abbreviations for the same journal. We like for every publication record to have at least a link in it. One link will be produced by the DOI, which should definitely be provided, if the publication has one (most do, upon online publication). Other links can be provided in the “URL/Files” field. We recommend that you put there at least one link to a freely downloadable version of your publication (e.g., the arXiv link). No need to upload files.

Finally, if this is your own publication, check the “add to your own list” box, on the right, in the “Bookmarks” section. Also, right below that, add any tags (old and new) to make your record more easily searchable.

Of course, everything can be edited after the posting of your record.